mardi 8 novembre 2016

Fabric project bag!

You know how much I love Project bags!!!

That is a great way to bring your knits every protect them...
But what I love the most is fabrics....
You can have fun with fabrics...

So I made a new step in my sewing adventure!
I am not a big sewer, but I love th idea to build something from just a piece of fabric.
And you can build it with the colour and patterns of your choice.

So I bought some fabrics and accessories ( like zip, coin purse things, etc) and I decided to make project bag.

Oh I love that fabric!
It is a soft cotton and I had 2 patterns so I made a choice for the front of the bag and another fabric for the interior of the bag.

I do Love it!

i had enough fabric to make a pin cushion and a lavender bag too...
But also...I tried something different! 
I made a purse with that fabric...
I thought about my own project bag and when I bring my scissors with me in that bag and when it is with my knits!!!
I am so afraid about a little problem that could happen!!!
You know what I mean right??????
OH !! and what about the stitches markers disappeared in the bag????

Well, I decided to make a fabric purse to keep all my little accessories safe!
And this is the Bonus of the project bag set!

That was a mess to sew it, but I did it!!!

And I am very satisfied!

And I think it is a great Project bag set...No????

And you can find it on my Etsy Shop!!!!

It is the first set I made for my etsy shop...but there will be others soon!

Vous savez à quel point je suis tombée en amour avec les sacs à projets...surtout pour ranger les tricots, les balader avec moi et les protéger aussi!

C'est aussi parce que j'aime les tissus, les dessins, les motifs, les couleurs...un peu tout ça...

Du coup, j'ai acheté quelques coupons de tissus et quelques accessoires ( des fermetures éclairs, des ouvertures de porte monnaie, etc...)

Et j'ai cousu mon premier set de sac à projet (Disponible dans ma boutique ETSY)

Il y a le sac pour ranger le projet...un coussin pour les aiguilles...un coussin de un petit bonus: un porte-monnaie en tissus pour ranger les ciseaux, les marqueurs et toutes ces petites choses qui se baladent au fond du sac et qui risquent de se prendre dans le tricot!!! surtout les ciseaux qui peuvent trouer le sac ou le tricot!

Bref, c'est pas si évident mais j'ai réussi à la coudre et Voilà pour le bonus pratique !!

C'est le premier set complet que je met en vente mais il y en a d'autres à venir!

Be creative!
Rose, xx

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