jeudi 26 janvier 2017

En Français...or in English!

Aujourd'hui, je voudrais vous parler un peu BLOG!
Et je m'adresse aux lectrices françaises en particulier!!

Vous avez du remarquer que ces derniers temps mes posts sont uniquement en Anglais.
Eh bien aujourd'hui je vous en fait un rien qu'en Français!!

Ce n'est pas le fait d'habiter un pays bilingue, en Amérique du Nord, où je vis isolée et que tout ce que je fais est pratiquement en anglais, mais c'est surtout que mes patrons qui pour certains sont dans les deux langues: français et anglais, se vendent pratiquement toujours en Anglais, et mes contacts sont anglophones!

Je me suis donc dit que mon Blog avait donc plus intérêt à être en Anglais.
Et je ne vous cache pas que écrire dans les deux langues demande un peu plus de temps.

Une tendance que j'ai remarqué aussi ( et je ne suis pas la seule!) est que les blogs sont pas mal dépassés par les podcasts sur Youtube ( je suis moi-même devenue addict) et même si on lit quelques Blogs, on ne met plus de commentaires!!!

Est-ce que les Blogs sont toujours autant lus???????

Je ne sais pas....

Moi-même je lis quelques Blogs sans pour autant toujours laisser des commentaires (C'est contagieux!)

Du coup, je me demande si ça vaudrait le coup de faire à nouveau mes posts dans les deux langues ou si vous êtes à l'aise avec l'anglais!

Bref, je voudrais savoir si j'ai des lectrices francophones qui aimeraient bien que mes posts soient en Français.

Si vous me laissez ds commentaires pour me dire que vous êtes une lectrice francophone alors pas de soucis, je prendrais le temps de vous faire un petit topo bien français rien que pour vous!!!

Sinon, je continuerais de faire mes messages en anglais.

Je n'ai pas l'intention de laisser tomber mon Blog, c'est mon espace pour m'exprimer, de montrer mon travail, de partager mes expériences tricot ou autres,  mais c'est aussi un lien qui me permet de rester en contact avec vous!
Même si je suis plus présente sur Instagram!

Je ne suis pas pour être sur Youtube non plus et je pense à toutes celles qui tiennent un Blog et qui comme moi veulent rester à leur place actuelle!
On tient à notre Blog!!

J'en profite pour remercier toutes celles qui me suivent et que je sais qu'elles lisent mon Blog.
MERCI mille fois!!!

Vous êtes importantes car c'est vous qui donnez du sens à mon Blog!

Rose, xx

lundi 23 janvier 2017

Stitches Markers Time!

What's your favorite Knitting tool???

To me, Stitches markers or Progress keepers are my favorite in the moment!

These are not just great to keep your knit progress in memory or to mark a stitch, these are perfect to personnalize your knitting!!!

I can't do without my progress keepers now!

It is a small object but you can find so many of these!
So different styles that I can't think you can't find your Style!

I always loved Russian dolls ( since I was a little girl, I was so charmed by their cute little face and those colors, those patterns with flowers....very russian style)
So I couldn't miss these Russian dolls stitches markers!

But I also found other bronze style that make me think of every things we love: sewing, drinking tea, having good time doing that!!

So I decided not to make only stitches markers for myself, but also to allow you to have nice tools or nice things to add to your knits!

Look at those nice little pieces!!!

Aren't they cute ???

Love the little bird cage!! and the clock!!!
Love them all!

And you can find them in my Etsy shop!!

I made them by hand, having a great time to prepare some sets!

So What is your favorite set???

Rose, xx

mercredi 18 janvier 2017

Cozy Tartan Blanket vs kid socks!

So Today, I want to invite you to a little room corner room!

This is my son bedroom!

I think that to decorate a little boy bedroom is not an easy thing!

Some people think different, but to me, it is not Easy!
If the boy is growing, not a child but not a big kid, you have to chose a decoration that will grow with the kid!

I didn't want something Dragons, something death ( skulls are fashion...but I do not like it) something war etc...
I wanted something classic but with "colors of life " as my son could say!

Well, I choose a tartan curtain, and that's why I am knitting a tartan blanket.

As every blanket, It seams it doesn't grow fast, but it is more a winter project!

The one you knit when it is dark, cold outside, watching a movie and drinking a tea!
And the one you do not have other knitted projects to finish before!!

Really if you didn't try this pattern, you Must Try it!!
it is Easy, all possibilities!

Have a look to all the beautiful projects made with the pattern Cozy Memory blanket on Ravelry.

But it is not the only knit I made!

I wanted to show you the socks for the KAL that I knit for on Ravelry.
I made this socks for my son too!
And here is the FO.

Love that stripes really!!! 

And the time the socks are washed with a special wool soap, and blocked, it is perfect!

I was surprised but my son enjoyed it so much, he wanted to wear it asap!
So AS for kids it is faster to knit than for adults, I think I will knit more socks for my kids!!

I am looking forward to show you more about the tartan blanket soon!!

Have a good day!

Rose, xx

lundi 16 janvier 2017

The Poncho is Back!

Yes, this is true!

And for those who LOVE this piece of clothe, You will be enchanted to see it coming back!!!

I heard about Podcast knitter that want to knit Poncho, I saw it on shops!

And This one is The Pattern to knit for your young girl!

I knitted it with a cable part in Malabrigo Rios "cielo y tierra" and all the Brown is knitted with a Drops Lima Wool.
Very nice to knit it with a circular needle 4mm, and with a little texture pattern on the brown parts.

This is a 8 -12 years size as you can fold the sleeves if 8 years old, or knit a longer piece for the 12 years.

You can find all the details on my Etsy shop 
But also on Loveknitting and Makerist.

Pattern is Written row by row.
Level is Medium, but easy to knit it!

And its name is :


Rose, xx

samedi 14 janvier 2017

A beautiful box for the Box O socks 2017 KAL..

AS I said earlier in the Year, I am on KAL party this year!!
And For one of these KAL, I need a box that I will fill with socks to me!

So I went for a little shopping today and found that beautiful BEAUTIFUL Box ( SO much choice in that shop but could not pick all of them!!!) and I bought this big box ( big enough for 12 pairs of socks)

It will match with my bedroom decor and it is a little treat for wool socks that need to be keep in good conditions!
And I must admit that it is just nice and wonderful to look at my box when I want to take a pair of socks ;)

And for January, I cast on a beautiful pair from a pattern on Ravelry : Jumping Jacks from the Plucky Knitter.
That is stripes and a little pattern for this pattern.
I am just knitting ribs but I am very excited to see this sock growing.

I use Cascade Heritage yarn for the blue and the white, and a scheepjes wool for the red.
As you can imagine that will turn to be Navy stripes socks.
So classic...I think a Must -have!!

Rose, xx

lundi 9 janvier 2017

Cozy Tartan Blanket.

This year, I decided to knit Smart!

I want to knit more skeins with luxury wool, but I have to Destash in my studio!!!

The best way to use my yarn is to knit it!
(Don't need to be smart for it!!)

And I have so much Red heart Super saver yarn in my studio, and it takes so much place....
A friend of mine goes in FLorida each year, and each year she bought me red heart super saver balls (because it is less expensive there! and she doesn't know about wool so!!)
But it is not a super kind of wool to knit a cardigan right???
But it is the perfect wool to make projects for home or kids!

My son asked for a blanket knitted by me...and because we change is room decor, I am knitting a new blanket assorted to his room.
AS you can guess, his room is in Tartan style, with white and grey on the walls and Tartan curtains....
Love that scottish style!

So I knit with grey, red, black and a dark grey to be like the curtains.

I LOVE....LOVE....LOVE the pattern.
It is a pattern from the Cozy Memory Blanket from Georgie Nicolson HERE

It's a free pattern and super easy to understand, super easy to knit with a super effect!
A square ...A day 
and you are not bored with this pattern.

It takes circular needles (I use 4.5 mm / 30 cm for this wool) a stitch marker, and wool as much as you want...
The best thing with this blanket is that you knit the size you want, the squares you want the colour you want.....

I think I love it!

So this one is in progress but it grows so fast!

And my Son is happy with it ;)

Have a beautiful Week my friends!

Rose, xx

mercredi 4 janvier 2017

2017 New projects ...and KAL

Hi Dear Friends!

I hope you had a great time with your family and friends and now that you are going to begin this year with a good start!

For my part, Kids are still in holidays.
So you can imagine how a mom is busy as she can be with kids at home!
But between snow storms and games with my kids, I took the time to plan my beginning of the year and also to make new things !

First of all I have to talk about great things happening!
I am part of 2 KAL hosted by the same girl. Emily who is very nice!
She has a podcast on Youtube Here
and she also has a Ravelry group Here

She created 2 threads for 2 different KAL :
One for " Two Halves make a Whole" where you can knit socks , mittens legwarmers..everything that is a pair!
The other one is "New year, new techniques" where you show your knits with new technics 

And I am very happy in it because I wanted to knit more socks and may be creat a mittens pattern.
But I also wanted to learn new techniques: Brioche seams to be a challenge and for socks, I want to learn the fish lips kiss heel and how to knit toe up and why not 2 socks at a time on the same needle!

Well, it is lot of things but I have a year to make it happens!

I was so excited by these new things, it was a great opportunity to create new things too!

 I must say that it is a long time I wanted to dye my own wool...I an so in love with that yarn you can see in great shops and all hand dyed!
So I said to myself I had to try it!
And it 's done!!!!

That is really a Job!

But so wonderful when you see the results!
So here are 2 skeins I dyed last week:

"Tropical Cocktail" 
with yellow and turquoise, white and green...
and Stellinas! 
This is a soft wool...

"Blue Grass" 

it is a Merino and silk wool...
With blue, gray, a little bit of green and black.
Perect for socks or a shawl.

These skeins are available in my Etsy shop and I had a set of stitches Markers...

Yes...some new things are entering in my shop.

I thought that as a knitter there are things I like to use for myself such as stitches markers ( I am really in love with those like mine in the picture!) I was mad with those you can find in plastic and that go away when you knit!!
I wanted some that stay and keep your progress whatever you do with your knit!
And that's it!!
I made these by myself so I hope you will love them😍

And that is not the only things I put in my Etsy shop!
You can find new project bags with little goodies...such as Mini skeins or stitches markers pocket!

If you want to join for the KALs Go on Ravelry and we can chat there ( I try to have  look at it every day!)


I am happy to blog for another year and welcome you if you are new here!

Rose, xx
